
Easing Your


Cities. States. Townships. Counties. They each play a role in your business’ tax liability. As you grow and explore new market opportunities, your state and local tax requirements evolve. You have to honor them. For the business. For your employees. If you struggle to keep up with changes in the states you’re in, don’t worry. We can help. Don’t lose revenue to a tax penalty. Don’t waste time or energy trying to understand each tax law. Lean on us. Your state and local tax experts.

We specialize in this intricate arena. We know the tax laws across the United States. We’re by your side. Finding ways to maximize profits and reduce your risk. Negotiating with tax assessors. Seeking out your next location. Fighting for you in moments of controversy. We fill in the gaps. Keep you compliant. So you don’t have to fear growth. You can embrace it. With trusted consultants who guide you to the next level.



  • State Tax Review
  • Transaction Tax Analysis
  • Tax Credit Identification
  • Property Tax Negotiations
  • Sales & Use Tax Review & Analysis
  • Voluntary Disclosure Agreements
  • Audit Representation & Assistance
  • Nexus Studies
  • RAR Compliance & Reporting


Our firm is in Schaumberg, IL. Most of our clients are located in the surrounding areas. But our reach expands across all 50 states.

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Contact us if you're ready to get started or would like more information regarding our payroll services.

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Last year, 1000+ small business owners connected with Windroot to save time, money, and stress.

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